Thursday, August 20, 2015

Notes from Education Week

I'm at BYU's Education Week and I absolutely love it. Here are some notes from a few of the classes I've taken.

Michael Wilcox- Forgiveness 

Would you be the son who lost his father, or the father who lost his son? Flooded by memories of the wonderful times he had spent with his children, he thought about his love for his own sons, and realized what his father lost by not being apart of his life. Finally, he was able to have compassion and forgiveness for his father who had abandoned him.

Do you want to be right, or do you want to have peace? If we’re human, we forgive. Shakespeare: With their high wrongs, I am cut to the quick. Not a frown further. And they shall be themselves, their true selves.

Ron McMillan Conversations:
How to spot Life’s Most Important Conversations
Relationships, greatest source of pain and joy. We only take our life lessons and relationships with us when we die. We work out our salvations with others. Relationships are the means of becoming exalted.
Three components of relationship
1.     Interactions with each other
2.     our thoughts about each other
3.     our feelings about each other
One interaction, one conversation at a time. Most conversations are routine and casual. But not all conversations are equal. Some have huge impact. We need to stop and think about those important conversations.
The measure of success is not whether or not you have a tough problem, but whether it’s the same problem you had last year.

Elder Anderson, Devotional
God is merciful to all who believe on His name. Faith is not stagnant. It is either growing or diminishing. As evil increases, the Lord will increase our faith. The Lord blessed Noah and his family, but he still required them to enter the ark. The Lord promised a land, but the saints still had to pick up their handcarts and walk.

Negativity, magnifying every issue, every mistake, and disregarding our good qualities: an interior  dialogue is happening all the time, confirming or reaffirming our believes. Be aware of what you’re saying to yourself. Is your self talk helping or hurting? Because it has a powerful effect on our goals, behavior, and where we will go. It can change our lives. Happiness is caused by THE STORY WE TELL ourselves.
I love challenges and each one is taking me to where I want to be.
Embrace imperfections
            Be grateful
            Rejoice in our blessings
Change through the atonement of Christ. The idea that we’re stuck, is a lie. We can always change our attitude.
Scott Marsh: Prosperity
The first wealth is health

 Wayne Gretsky- Good players skate to the puck, great players skate to where the puck is going to be.
Ten Ways to Increase Your Health Wealth
      1. risk profile
2. test/exams
3. take tests to minimize risks
4. DNA test
5. get a super computer (medical ap)
6. do something positive to change your health
7. health savings account
8. TED talks
9. open source options
10. engage in world class health care and medical solutions

Emotional Intelligence: Richard Himmer
Every person should function in a safe space; free from boundary intrusions, and free from a reliance on other people for happiness. Can you say, “something went wrong in that conversation, can you tell me what it was? We often talk when the other person needs to breathe. There is no advantage to passivity. Peacemakers can cause as much damage as bullies. “I see the same goal, but I see a different way to get it.” Conflict is practice to get what we want. It’s okay to not agree.

Instead of defending yourself, ask questions.
Bullies love to watch people defend themselves. Bullies are closet cowards and they like to make people feel powerless. And the whiners like to whine, because being a victim makes them feel good about themselves.

Inflect your voice going down to help people not feel threatened. An inflection going up is threatening. Ask open ended questions. Go to a neutral position.

Don’t try to change others, change yourself, and then they have to change because the situation has changed.

EMPATHY- the ability to mind map another’s brain
Recognizing, understanding, appreciating how other people feel. Empathy is the ability to articulate your understanding another’s perspective. Give undivided attention that’s all about the other person. When it becomes all about you, you take the wind out of the relationship. Get yourself out of the story. Ask questions about them.

How Important is my weight?

The body is the tabernacle of the spirit and God expects us to keep it clean. We are overfed and  undernourished, digging a grave with our teeth.
Man is a tabernacle of God. Our bodies attest to our divine nature. How you use your body effects your spirit. Development of the spirit is of eternal consequences. Our pursuits need to be a tribute to God.

This is just a snippet of the things I've been learning this week.

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