Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Witch Wishes, Coming Soon

In a few days, I’ll be publishing the third book in my Witch Ways series. I have mixed feelings. Originally, I thought that this would be a several book series, but a few reviews made me reconsider. Because, as a Mormon, I've lived with religious bigotry my entire life, I didn't want to be insensitive to those who consider Witchcraft a religion. So, Witch Wishes comes to a definite conclusion, but it doesn't have to end there. I could pick up the series again, if I decide to. I really love Evie and Josh and since Uncle Mitch is patterned after my husband (in fact, many of Uncle Mitch's lines are things that my husband has said--don't worry, he knows,) I really love him. But I'm pretty sure I'll grow to love the characters in my next book, as well.

I can’t thank you enough for your continued support of my books. Reviews are so important. They do more than stoke a writer’s flagging ego, they enable us to get placement in the competitive promotional advertisements and thereby help us spread the word and distribute more books.

So many of the books today portray unhealthy relationships and actually glamorize the subjection of women. The downtrodden, poor, weak female plucked from the gutter and rescued by the sexy, domineering, obsessive, and tortured billionaire is an all too common trope. The sad thing is that it’s women writing and reading these books!

Several years ago, my then teenage daughter, Natalie, read my novel, The Rhyme’s Library which sparked a conversation about bad boyfriends. Afterwards, I realized that writing The Library (which took me five years, by the way) was worth it just because of that conversation. If no one ever read it, if it didn’t earn a dime, it was worth it for Natalie’s sake. If what I wrote helped my daughter to see the difference between a healthy and unhealthy relationship then I had accomplished a wonderful thing.

(An interesting observation--Natalie looks a lot like the flying girl on my Witch Way covers. Which means that Miranda, her identical twin, should as well,,,but somehow not so much so, probably because Natalie lightens her hair and Miranda darkens hers.)
Natalie and Miranda on their way to the prom

But then I began to think of all the mothers, daughters, sisters and friends who might have a hard time making that distinction. How many of my friends have I watched stumble from one mistake to another? How many sacrifice their goals and dreams just for the pleasure of man whose company isn’t that great?

And what about the young women whose mothers have stayed in unhealthy relationships? Where can they learn what a loving and mutually supportive relationship looks and feels like? Not from the vast majority of books, movies, and TV shows of today.

I wish everyone lived in a happy home, and that every child had the example of parents who loved them and each other. I wish you all love— love of friends, family, spouses, and lots of wonderful books that inspire you to be your very best self and to find those who bring out the very best within you,

God Bless,


1 comment:

  1. Nathan Richardson says in his book, Imaginary T- Shirts. "I am to my son what my father was to me: a text book of examples of what to be and not what to be..."

    That's scary but true. I just hope the children have the wisdom to know the difference.

    I can't wait to read this new book.
