Friday, April 8, 2016

Mustering the Muse, Part 10

My friend wrote this about the death of our mutual friend. A friend from my high school days went to be with the Lord earlier this year. Her sweet beautiful daughter shared this song on FB yesterday. I just thought it was so beautiful and uplifting for anyone who has been through grieving, suffering or any kind of heartbreak. Isn't that all of us in one way or another? I just had to share it, too.

It reminded me of something I try to remember, but sometimes forget. I write because stories, like all art forms, can transpose us out of our ordinary world and help us see things in a new way. Sometimes it can help us forgot our worries and ease our pain. And although one little story can't solve the world's biggest problems, it can make them go away for a short time, simply because we're too wrapped up in a story to notice.

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